Game of thrones war of the five kings
Game of thrones war of the five kings

The North suffered 15,000 deaths of fighting men, but few civilian casualties. Assuming a similar population to the Riverlands, that's 2 to 3%. Robb's Chevauchee lasted a matter of weeks, Including starvation through pillage, I find it hard to envisage more than 100,000 dead. But, there was not much fighting otherwise. The Westerlands took heavy losses in battles (perhaps 40,000) and suffered a harsh raid from Robb Stark.

game of thrones war of the five kings

So a minimum of 400,000 to a maximum of 1.2 m. I think estimates for the population are plausible at 4 to 8 million. I would estimate losses at 10-15% for the Riverlands. The War of the Five Kings is brutal, but not even Tywin Lannister is as brutal as Genghis Khan. John Mann estimates that over the course of three years, the population of Khwarazem (Eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan) fell by 25%. The population of Northern China fell by two thirds, but that was over the course of 21 years.

game of thrones war of the five kings

We've got an idea of the impact of total war, waged by the Mongols. I think those percentage figures are too high.

Game of thrones war of the five kings